Issues of Climate Services in Climate-Sensitive Economic Sectors
P1-4 online. Regional Evaluation of Change in the Sum of Active Temperatures for Optimization of Agricultural Production
Maksymenko, N., T. Huzieieva
V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Kharkiv, Ukraine
P1-7. Research of the Expected Indexes of Winter Climate Discomfort in Ukraine
Katerusha O., H. Katerusha
Odessa State Environmental University, Odesa, Ukraine
P1-8. Adaptation Measures to Climate Change in Water Resources Management
Goptsiy M., V. Ovcharuk, O. Prokofiev
Odessa State Environmental University, Odesa, Ukraine
P1-9. Scientifically Substantiated Recommendations of Water Management of Katlabukh Lake under Current and Future Climate Change
Shakirzanova, Zh.R., Ye.O. Romanova, Ju.S. Medvedieva
Odessa State Environmental University, Odesa, Ukraine
Education in Climate Services
P2-2 online. About the Possibility of Automated Monitoring of Environmental-Chemical Indices of Atmosphere Precipitation
Fedoniuk, V.V., O.T. Kosthiv, M.A. Fedoniuk
Lutsk National Technical University, Lutsk, Ukraine
P2-3 online. Medical Education in the Conditions of Distance Learning
Lakhtadyr, Т.V., I.V. Dzevulska, R.F. Kaminskyi
Bogomolets National Medical University, Kyiv, Ukraine
Climate Risks and Adaptation to Climate Change on Regional and Local Levels
P3-2. Climate Change and the Frequency of Squalls on the Territory of the North-Western Black Sea Region
Agayar, E.V., D.O. Zhuk
Odessa State Environmental University, Odesa, Ukraine
P3-3. Characteristics of Extreme Temperature and Precipitation in Ukraine Based on ETCCDI Indices
Bohushenko, A., S. Stepanenko, I. Khomenko
Odessa State Environmental University, Odesa, Ukraine
P3-4 online. Displays of Changes of a Climate in Basins of the Western Bug and Pripyat Rivers
Budnik, S.V.
Boris Sreznevskiy Central Geophysical Observatory, Kyiv, Ukraine
P3-5. Detection of the Climate Change Impact on the River Runoff of Spring Flood in Pivdenny Bug River Basin
Dokus, A.O., Zh.R. Shakirzanova
Odessa State Environmental University, Odesa, Ukraine
P3-6. Using Ensemble of Regional Climate Models for Assessment of Future Climate in North-Western Coast of Black Sea
Khokhlov V., E. Serga, L. Nedostrelova
Odessa State Environmental University, Odesa, Ukraine
P3-10. The Role of Satellite Monitoring for Climate Services
Semenova, I.
Odessa State Environmental University, Odesa, Ukraine
P3-11. Temperature Regime as a Factor of Influence on the Territory
Reshetchenko, S., E. Boryskina
V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Kharkiv, Ukraine
P3-12. The Effect of Partial Deforestation on Surface Wind Speed
Pysarenko, L., S. Krakovska
Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Institute, Kyiv, Ukraine
P3-13 online. Annual Distribution of the Oka River Flow in Kaluga under the Conditions of Climate Change
Zakharova, M.V.
Kaluga State University named after K.E. Tsiolkovski, Kaluga, Russia