Flights and Airfares

Arrivals to Odessa

The airport provides regular service of the following destinations:
Barselona, Berlin, Bratislava, Budapest, Dubai, Gdansk, Istanbul, Katowice, Kyiv, Krakow, Minsk, Poznan, Prague, Riga, Rome, Sharm El Sheikh, Sofia, Tel Aviv, Vienna, Warsaw, and Wroclaw.

The airport was built in 1961.

Customs  +38 0482 393 559
Border Control Service  +38 0482 393 470
Ministry of Foreign Affairs +38 0482 393 782

Website of Odessa International Airport:

The following airlines have scheduled flights from Odessa International Airport. Click an appropriate link to get to the official site of an airline.


More information on airfare and internal flights you can get here:

Local and international flights

Cheap flights to Odessa