Odessa State Environmental University is a leading higher education institution in the system of higher environmental and hydrometeorological education in Ukraine.
The training is provided at the levels of Bachelor, Master, PhD and DSc in the specialties of:
- Earth Sciences (Agricultural Meteorology, Atmospheric Geophysics, Meteorology and Climatology, Hydrography, Hydrology, Integrated Water Resources Management, Integrated Use of Water Resources, Oceanography)
- Environmental Science
- Economics
- Management
- Public Management and Administration
- Law
- Computer Sciences and Information Technology
- Environmental Protection Technologies
- Water Bioresources and Aquiculture
- Tourism and Geodesy
In the field of Hydrometeorology OSENU has been training specialists for the World Meteorological Organization for more than 50 years. The curricula for training specialists meet all international standards and are acknowledged by hydrometeorological services all over the world.
Training of specialists in the field of climate services recognized as a priority in development of Hydrometeorology in the 21st century by WMO has been provided at OSENU since 2013. The MSc curriculum in Climate Services based on WMO regulations is so far the only one in Ukraine. Research in the field of Сlimatology has been conducted at the University throughout the history of its existence. Over the latest 20 years OSENU researchers have been intensively engaged in solving issues related to the climate change and making assessment of its impact on the economic sectors in Ukraine, city management and human health.
OSENU consists of 15 institutions that include such establishments as state colleges, alongside with Scientific Centre of Air Pollution, Scientific Centre of Ocean Research, Scientific Centre of Marine Biology and Centre of Hydrometeorological Forecasting.
OSENU Campuses:
- Odessa State Environmental University Campus
- Kharkiv Hydrometeorological College;
- Kherson Hydrometeorological College.
More detailed information is provided in the attachments below.
Participation of OSENU in EU international programmes (Presentation)